Don’t wait until the last minute to start setting your goals, be S.M.A.R.T. The holidays are coming up and what better time than now to start planning your goals for 2021. For each year, I suggest choosing 4 to 5 professional, financial, or personal goals. Here’s a useful exercise that can help you with your goal setting.

Whether it be wellness, financial, professional, or personal, the following questions can be thought-provoking and will help you map out how you will accomplish your 2021 goals. First, be specific and describe your goal. Is your goal measurable and how can you track your progress? Is your goal attainable and how possible is it? How is your goal relevant to you and does this goal align with the bigger picture? How timely will your goal be and what is your deadline?

Studies have proven that people who have used visual aids like vision boards. Vision boards can help you to recognize opportunities and reduce stress about reaching your goal.

Don’t forget to register for the Savings Challenge coming up on January 4, 2020, at 7 p.m.

Join me on New Year’s Eve for the Virtual Vision Board Party. Stay tuned for details!