The topic of money is sometimes an afterthought. What inspired you to be interested in money? The inspiration comes from being connected to someone leveling up that can transform what you are doing. I grew up selling homemade items from my front porch. After a while, we would have a neighborhood club meeting to buy or sell items to each other to treat ourselves to candy from the store down the road. She said she did not grow up being talked to about money. Chores would help us earn an allowance. With that, we were able to save up in our piggybanks. We did not participate in a grown folk conversation with handling bills. Get children involved in money conversations.

When I went away to college, I gained financial independence. I was making money then I immediately spent it. I created sloppy money habits. Listening to successful people is where I learn about money. I would simply listen to conversations to research on later. I went on to get an MBA in finance, still learning because did not learn in school. Money management: manage, make, and grow our money.

“The typical black family has just 1/10th the wealth of the typical white ones. In 1863, black Americans owned one-half of 1 percent of the national wealth. Today it’s just over 1.5 percent for roughly the same percentage of the overall population. The cause of that stagnation has largely been invisible, hidden by the assumption of progress after the end of slavery and the achievements of civil rights. But for every gain black Americans made, people in power created new bundles of discrimination, largely hidden from sight, that thwarted, again and again, the economic promise of emancipation.” – Washington Post

This understanding of the lack of financial knowledge was holding people back is what spurred me to create the Financial wellness institute of America. Once you’re enrolled, over the next 6-12 months absorb what I have to share with you. I have created a Youth academy for young people, where they will learn money management skills, learn to invest, entrepreneurship, and save money.

$100k Savings Club – Join at the one-time fee of $20.21 which is a book club. If you want to go deeper and hear about some suggested reading, don’t wait, and join today! Our first book will be “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, when you join you’ll receive a free copy of the book. Get connected! We want to learn more about money.