You are the Game Changer – create your family history
February is Black History Month and the United States that we live in has designated the shortest month of the year to highlight the history that black Americans have built in this country. However it’s time for us to dictate our own history. Many of us didn’t inherit...
New Year Mo’ Money
Happy New Year!!! January marks a time when most people become really conscious about self-care, setting goals, losing weight, and managing their money. Some people get so excited about managing their money that they are ready to jump on any bandwagon that will help...
Entrepreneurship Month
One of the keys to financial freedom is having multiple sources of income. November is Entrepreneurship Month. There is no better time than now to seriously think about turning that passion into a paycheck or executing on that special gift or talent that you have been...
Family Gets $70 Million Worth of Property
The payment for their labor was supposed to be 40 acres and a mule. Many of our ancestors never received payment in full. However, that never stopped their ambition to take on the world and strive to create freedom and wealth for their families and future generations....
It’s Not A Burial Plan
The African-American community lost a great comedian this week. Mr. Anthony “AJ” Johnson passed away. He was known for his roles in the “Friday” movies franchises. Comedian AJ Johnson had accumulated Fame within our community but he apparently did not acquire a...
If Something Were to Happen to You Today, Would Your Family Be Prepared?
What will your family do if something happened to you today and they no longer had your income to live off of? Think about it because this is becoming a scenario for millions of people around the world. Due to the recent pandemic that the world has encountered with...
Credit Report vs Credit Score
Credit Report vs Credit Score Credit can be a fundamental tool towards helping to build wealth. I know you have heard the phrase “use other peoples money“. Well that’s exactly what credit is. Credit gives you the opportunity to use other peoples money in real time....
Good Credit Gets You Other People’s Money!
Learning to use other people’s money is the key to building wealth. Setting goals where you strive to be debt-free will make your wealth journey long and difficult. It’s not about eliminating your obligations to other people; it is more about how you manage and use...
Credit Awareness
August is Credit Awareness Month. Grasping a good understanding about the role credit play in your financial management plan can be the key to building a stronger more structured wealth plan. Here is how you can start to take control of your credit. First, you should...
Expect More Money
As we continue Financial Literacy Month, remember these ways to achieve your goals: Change your mindset about money. Know where your emergency fund is kept and do not dip into the account to change your relationship with our money. Share with your household, talk to...