Tips To Help You Practice Financial Literacy
Every time you spend your money without a specific plan, you are leaving money on the table and putting more of your money in other people's pockets. During Financial Literacy Month, I challenge you to do the following: Commit to pay yourself first and start a savings...
Women’s History Series: Vice President Kamala Harris
Vice President Kamala Harris was born in and grew up in Oakland, CA. Her father was born in Jamaica and her mother was born in India. Her mother was heavily involved in the Civil Rights movement, making her early experiences attending rallies, the basis of her...
Women’s History Series: Shyamala Harris
The month of March is dedicated to honoring women and the accomplishments of women throughout history. It is flooring to think about how far Women’s Rights have come when you think about the fact that it was over 100 years ago that women in the U.S. attained the right...
The Contributions of Black-Owned Businesses
Without the contributions of the Black or African American community, the U.S. business market would look very different. Some key technological innovations began within the black community, pioneers so strong that the United...
Where Did You Learn About Money?
The topic of money is sometimes an afterthought. What inspired you to be interested in money? The inspiration comes from being connected to someone leveling up that can transform what you are doing. I grew up selling homemade items from my front porch. After a while,...
Mo’ Money is Coming Tomorrow
More money is coming tomorrow. Register for the 5-day Money Savings Challenge! The challenge is free. You will learn the difference between a regular savings account, an emergency savings account, and a storage account. How much do you save? How much do you need for...
Ways to Save for 2021
I challenge you for the 2021 year, think of two or three personal, professional or business goals. Smart goal. Chart out your plan by using S.M.A.R.T. approach. Is it specific? Is it measurable? Is it attainable? Is it relevant? What time do you expect to reach your...
Dream, Plan… Action!
Happy New Year! It’s time to take control of our environment, our future, and our money. With the start of 2021, there is no better time than now to take control of our futures. The best way is to have a plan and put it into action. Studies have proven that 40% of...
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting That Works!
Don’t wait until the last minute to start setting your goals, be S.M.A.R.T. The holidays are coming up and what better time than now to start planning your goals for 2021. For each year, I suggest choosing 4 to 5 professional, financial, or personal goals. Here’s a...
Make A List and Check It Twice!
Making a list before shopping helps you to be more conscious of your spending. This is significant in your holiday shopping. It is our responsibility to be good stewards of the money we have, so make your list and check it twice. Here are a few tips to think about as...