You Control Your Money
There are hope and opportunities out there and I want you to know that. Collaboration can bring exposure to businesses and continue to thrive on it. 70% of people do not have savings and in January we are going to start fresh. This year’s New Year’s Resolution will be...
What Will Your Legacy Be?
The holidays are not always joyful for others and 2020 has been devastating to others. My condolences to families that have lost someone during the 2020 year. My goal is to get you more prepared in the upcoming months. 2020 has taught us that we have to be more about...
Disaster-proof Your Money
What would you do if circumstances in your life change drastically and did not have incoming flowing in to support yourself or your family? Job loss, vehicle repairs, unexpected death, or medical expenses can change your current lifestyle drastically. These are things...
Get Your Financial House In Order
by: Deletra Hudson, MBA – “The Financial Educator” As a reminder, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With that in mind, it’s important to support those who have been affected and work on getting your financial house in order. The first step to getting your...
Turn Your Options into Opportunities
Have you ever set back and evaluated your current position only to realize you have several options on the table that you are not acting upon? If so, it is time to make some decisions. When you make decisions about the options you have in your life, you will begin to visualize the opportunities that are available to you and start to bring them to fruition.
3 Ways to Take Your Online Business Services to a Larger Offline Market
Deletra Hudson, MBA - "The Financial Educator" One of the keys to prosperity and success is visualization. To create a vision teaches your mind how to imagine your dreams coming true. In the book “The Secret”, the Law of Attraction is discussed as a major...
3 Key Steps to Taking Your Online Business Offline
Deletra Hudson, MBA - "The Financial Educator" Not all online business owners experience immediate success. In fact, when I started my financial management business as an online service, I made very little money. Although, studies have proven that the reason...
3 Key Ways To Live A Prosperous and Profitable Life In The New Year
Wow! Twelve months or 365 days or 8,760 hours or 565,600 minutes ago we were facing this time last year. If you are like me, you were praying, planning and preparing for greater success in the upcoming year than you achieve the year before. As an entrepreneur, we...
2 Tips To Help You Live Within Your Means
By Deletra Hudson, "The Financial Educator" CAN YOU AFFORD TO LIVE? How much does it cost for you to live your life the way you desire? Believe it or not, many of us don’t know. We are unconscious about how much money we bring home as income. We do not know how...
Two Avenues to Use to Start Investing on a Small Scale
By Deletra Hudson, The Financial Educator Recently, I received a request from one of my followers asking for suggestions on how to get started with investing on a small scale. As a result of that inquiry, here are two avenues to get started with investing on a small...