2 Ways to Start a Savings Plan Immediately
Since 2008, many Americans have found it difficult to save. Most people have been more focused on obtaining jobs or keeping their existing jobs and homes. Therefore, trying to save money became less of a priority. Now that we're recovering from the economic...
2 ways to improve your buying power
Did you know that one of the keys to establishing a good foundation for financial success is knowing and understanding your buying power. Knowing your buying power helps you understand your negotiation power. Your buying power is substantiated by your ability to...
3 Things to Help Prepare You For a Less Stressful Tax Season
Tax season is upon us. We have put an end to another great year and now it's time to account for it. The deadline for filing the previous year's taxes is on or around April 15th of the current year. The deadline may differ if April 15th is on a weekend or a...